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Task Force 77

"Agile, Disciplined, Lethal"

About Us

Learn and Fly with the Best

Task Force 77 is a multinational group based on the (JFACC) Joint Force Air Component Command structure with carrier and land wing attachments.


We strive to create challenging training plans with exercises that result in improved virtual pilot confidence. Our goal is to always have fun while translating learned skills into action. As a result, the pilots of vTF-77 mercilessly destroy their foes anywhere within the virtual battlespace.


Our active squadrons include:


We are a group of like-minded individuals who enjoy virtual combat aviation's thrills and challenges in DCS World. 


We come from all walks of life, including current and former military, commercial and recreational pilots, and regular guys who have only flown a desk. Our shared purpose is to become the most lethal virtual aviators possible. 


Our members bring several decades of leadership experience through both military and civilian avenues, combined with numerous years of flight simulator experience. 




What We Offer

  • Complete Training Curriculum (Tactical & Technical) for members

  • Training with dedicated Instructor Pilots for members

  • Regular events are Tuesdays, Thursdays, and some off nights and weekends.

  • Dynamic, Hand-Made Campaigns​ â€‹

    • AI and human assets.
    • Campaigns include regular, hand-made missions set day or night and in various weather conditions. â€‹â€‹
  • Lots of off-night shenanigans

    • Friday Night Dogfights

    • Carrier Practice Nights (with live LSOs)​​​

    • CAS competitions

    • Additional training

    • One-off Missions

  • Active Community 



"Pukin Dogs"



Screenshot 2024-04-27 100054.png

"Wake Island Avengers"


389th FS "Thunderbolts"


409 TFS 


1/227th ARB

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Joint Training Adversary 

"Red Eagles"


727 EACS "Kingpin"

Join the Group

Joining the Task Force

Membership Requirements

  • Minimum age of 18 

  • Regular attendance on training nights 

    • Life comes first. If you are unable to attend for any reason, all we ask is you notify your squadron leadership via the Leave of Absence channel. You will never be penalized for missing a night if you put in a LoA​

  • Willingness to self-study, read provided materials, and schedule times with Instructor Pilots  

  • Fortitude to sit through dad jokes, adult humor, and assorted shenanigans

  • Hands-on Throttle and Stick (HOTAS)​

    • Requirement waived for RIOs​

  • Head-tracking solution OR a Virtual Reality headset

    • Requirement waived for RIOs​

  • Ability to use Discord and SRS (or at least willingness to learn)

  • Ownership of the Syria, Persian Gulf, and Supercarrier modules, as well your dedicated primary aircraft

    • NTTR Map is also recommended

    • Requirement waived for LOT-ATC users

If you meet these requirements, use the following link to join our Discord and use the command "v.apply" and follow the in chat prompts to fill out an application.

Joining the Group

If you meet these requirements, use the following link to join our Discord and use the command "/apply" and follow the in chat prompts to fill out an application.


Initial Training Program


All members of vTF-77 undergo a training program designed to build a humble yet lethal virtual aviator. The Initial Training program splits into three phases:


Phase 1 - Initial Qualification Training

  • Designed to cover subjects ranging from startup/shutdown and ground operations to basic flying skills.

Phase 2 - Mission Capable Qualification​

  •  Designed to build on subjects learned in phase one and add pre and non-combat-related mission tasks such as tactical formations, FENCE checks, and datalink familiarization. 

  • Pilots learn air to air refueling and complete their carrier qualifications.

Phase 3 - Combat Mission Qualification​

  •  CMQ focuses on the fundamentals and tactics employed by an aviator in the Air-to-Air and Air-to-Surface combat environment.

  • Air-to-Air tactics include section engaged maneuvering, beyond visual range tactics, and within visual range tactics.

  • Air-to-Surface tactics include strike fundamentals and section, division, and multi-division tactics.



Pilot Upgrades


After successfully becoming a "Final Mission Qualified" aviator, pilots are encouraged to pursue follow-on qualifications​


Operational Upgrades


  • Instructor Pilot (IP) - IPs are responsible for training TF-77 pilots from IQT to FMQ.

  • Landing Signal Officer (LSO) - LSOs ensure the safe recovery of naval aviators back aboard the carrier in all sea states and weather conditions. 

  • Agressor Pilot (AP) - APs are well versed in enemy tactics and techniques. With this information, AP's ensure that our aviators remain lethal in the air-to-air arena beyond visual range and within visual range tactics, techniques, and procedures.


Tactical Upgrades


  • Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) - JTAC's are ground-based controllers who direct action of combat aircraft in support of close air support or other offensive air operations.

  • Forward Air Controller (Airborne) - FAC(A)s are air-based controllers who direct action of combat aircraft in support of close air support or other offensive air operations.

  • Ground Control Intercept / Airborne Intercept Control - GCIs and AICs control the battle-space and direct aircraft to successful intercepts based on their current radar picture. This is often done through LotATC


Command Upgrades


  • Section Leads - A section lead is qualified to lead two combat configured aircraft into a mission environment.

  • Division Lead - Division leads are qualified to lead a flight of four combat configured aircraft into a mission environment.

  • Package Commander - These aviators are qualified to lead a package, (i.e. strike, fighter, etc.) into a combat mission environment.

  • Mission Commander - MCs are tasked with developing and organizing a combat mission.

Command Structure

Rank Structure and Responsibilities 

We are a virtual group that flies as a hobby. Being an officer doesn't give anyone the right to boss anyone around! We utilize a ranking system to quickly discern the qualification levels of members and recognize those members that contribute to organizing activities and the group as a whole. 


  • New members will be assigned the rank of O-1 according to their assigned unit's branch. 

  • Upon graduation from the Initial Qualification Training (IQT) and Mission Capable Qualification (MCQ), members earn the rank of O-2.

  • Members that complete the Combat Mission Qualification will be assigned the rank of O-3

  • Our dedicated members that have gone above and beyond and "promoted" to Department Head level responsibilities (such as Operations Officers responsible for helping create missions for the squadron ) receive the rank of O-4

  • Each squadron's Commanding Officer and Executive Officer (responsible for the day-to-day operation of the virtual squadron, such as organizing events, making missions, and creating training curriculum) receive the rank of O-5. 


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